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Bylaws of Republic Mat Club Youth Non-Profit Wrestling Organization



Article I: Name and Purpose


Section 1: Name The name of this organization shall be "Republic Mat Club" hereinafter referred to as "the Club."


Section 2: Purpose The purpose of the Club shall be to promote youth wrestling, foster sportsmanship, and encourage physical fitness among the youth in the community.


Article II: Membership


Section 1: There shall be no members


Article III: Board of Directors


Section 1: Composition The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of no less than 4 and no more than 8 directors. The Board of Directors shall include the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


Section 2: Election and Term Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of Board of Directors during any meeting necessary during the calendar year. Each director shall serve a term of 4 years and may be eligible for re-election.


Section 3: Removal A director may be removed from the Board with just cause by two-thirds vote of Board of Directors during a special meeting called for that purpose.


Section 4: Meetings The Board of Directors shall meet at least 6 times per year, and additional meetings may be called by any director. A quorum shall consist of three-quarters of the total number of directors.


Article IV: Officers


Section 1: Roles The officers of the Club shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Fundraising Coordinator. The President shall preside over meetings, the Vice President shall act in the absence of the President, the Secretary shall keep records, the Treasurer shall manage the finances and the Fundraising Coordinator shall oversee all fundraising efforts.


Section 2: Election and Term Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors during any meeting in which a director needs to be voted on. Each officer shall serve a term of 4 years and may be eligible for re-election.


Article V: Finances


Section 1: Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.


Section 2: Financial Management The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the Club's finances, including budgeting, financial reporting, and maintaining accurate records. An annual financial report shall be presented to the Board of Directors and made available to any club family member.


Article VI: Committees


Section 1: Formation The Board of Directors may establish committees to support specific activities or projects of the Club.


Section 2: Powers and Limitations Each committee shall operate under the authority granted by the Board of Directors and report its progress regularly.


Article VII: Meetings


Section 1: General Meetings The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting each year prior to the end of the fiscal year in which all wrestling families are encouraged to attend.  


Section 2: Notice of Meetings With exception of the Annual Parent Meeting, no meeting notices will be given.  


Article VIII: Amendments


Section 1: Bylaws Changes Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and require approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors during a special meeting called for that purpose.


Article IX: Dissolution


Section 1: Dissolution Process In the event of the Club's dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more non-profit organizations with similar purposes, as determined by the Board of Directors.


Article X: Effective Date


These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon approval by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board during a special meeting called for that purpose.


Approved and adopted on ____________.

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